19 October 2006

Camping it up for the climate & the Bandicoot Insurgent Rebel Clown Army

All quiet on the blog front for a while.. which either means I'm off galavanting in the bush or ridiculously busy.. A bit of both this time as I became logistics queen again for an action camp for the Anvil Hill Campaign.

It was heartbreking not to be at climate camp but although on a different scale the Anvil Hill action camp was great - it brought together a diverse range of folks.. local people, 'activists', forest ferals, greenpeace, greens MPs.. all to skill-share, stratagise and do direct action training. Much fun was had by all.. and I learned loads as well.. Had my first bash at media work.. (hmm but I hate the corporate media..but maybe not when they love us and are bigging up our campaign! ohh sell out!) I did TV, Radio & Newspaper interviews all in one day.. oh the whirl. I better go put some time into Climate Indymedia to ground myself.

Some photos on Flicker - set: 'anvil hill action camp'

Here's our cheesy anvil hill movie, the voice over is cringe-worthy.. but hopefully appeals to 'middle Australia'

Otherwise for the Anvil Hill campaign it has been a non stop few months.. on top of camp organising their has been actions, running coal/cliamte stalls on the radical edge - remote rural mining towns! and all over the Hunter Region.. Then also screening t-shirts, making patches.. all sorts..

Photo Blog!

There have been lots of other fine adventures from scores of action to random Push-Bike prom queen escapades. Check out my last two months in pictures at Flicker - set: 'springing into action'

In Bandit Love - Rebel Clowning

When first talking about summit organising over here for upcoming fun in Melbourne I got all enthusiastic about using my experience to help create convergence spaces, horizontal organising, support networks - stuff like that.. and the main response? "that's nice cookie.. tell us about the clowns.." so I though bugger it.. I'd go with the flow and work on something cool that's fun & silly for a change and doesn't involve logistics!

And with some of the fine folks from Newcastle, and the bandicoot insurgent rebel clown army was born. Check out some of our adventures on our blog..

However its a parody site... so first take a very quick peek at the Aussie Army recruitment site: >>here

Then check out the BIRCA blog: birca.blogspot.com Really do - this site is groovy, getting hundread of hits and its only 3 weeks old!

Some photos on Flicker - set: 'bandicoot insurgent rebel clown army'

Celebrity blogger..

There was a big arts festival in town while brought all our cool mates from all over Australia to town I ended up doing two radio interviews on blogging! (Well they were interested in the Rainbow Warrior one and Blogging by mountain radio from Happy Valley). So I'm now a celebrity blogger so y'all keep coming back OK? And I'll try and post a little more often..